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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My place to talk about........

Hello! Those of you with nothing better to do than to read what isn't really that important any way -- I thank you and welcome comments or ideas for future rants.

I have decided to Blog. I am not sure if I will have any one looking at it or if they will care about what I am pissed off about, passionate about, or just want to talk about....but here we go.

Today's Topic -- Making friends.....

Some of you know that Curtis and I have packed
our stuff (well most of it any way) and have moved to Beverly....Ankeny that is. When you live in one place for 19 years, you create friendships. The hardest part of this move has been missing those people with which I have created those friendships. You don't realize how the friendships that you make become part of a routine of your da
y, your week or your month until they are no
longer in that routine.

So I decided since I am in it here for the long haul, I will meet a new person EVERY day. I started June 1. Now, since I work in an office of about 18 cubicles, the first 18 days was really, really easy. But on June19 -- I had to step outside my comfort zone a little bit. Okay - Kum & Go cashier -- "Hello my name is Rhonda Dean and Iam new to this town." "Glad your here" - didn't feel sincere since she was staring at the 20 people behind me at the busiest Kum and Go in Central Iowa two blocks from my house. But I introduced my self. June 20 - Now what? I think this is a lofty goal and I need to scale it back a bit. Skipped a day.

June 21 instead -- Fareway cashier. "Hello my name is Rhonda Dean and I am new to this town." "Welcome" - a bit more sincere because there was only one person behind me. I realized I can't keep meeting retail people - although here that is probably more plausible.

Tomorrow -- Recycle day and they come early -- I will wait by the green tub
and introduce myself.

1 comment:

  1. How did it go with the recycle people? Amanda met people at slow pitch softball, how fast can you run?
