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Saturday, June 9, 2012


Mood affects everything.  I am referring to not only some one's attitude toward some one or some thing but I am also referring to the energy they bring in to that space.

If any one spends more than 3 seconds with me they know that I have my crabby moments.  I name them and claim them.  Most of the time I verbalize the crabbiness with a statement when I am there and I try to put up the force field to keep them to my self.  Unfortunately shields are breeched some times and a path of crabbiness is left like a tornado debris field.

What causes crabbiness?  That depends on the situation.  For me I know that most of the time I can't name it but when I do, it has to do with something I am processing in my brain that is taking a bit to reconcile.

So what does a person do to change a mood when it feels overwhelming?  First of all, it is important to know you can't change a mood of another person.  The old adage - "cheering someone else up" doesn't really work -- that person will need to be in a space of "wanting" to be cheered up.  When I say that I am not implying that a great phone call, note or Facebook post won't be helpful.  I am saying that I have to be ready to receive those things and that turns the corner for me.

I have many coping mechanisms for crabbiness:

One (and probably the one that works the best) is being by myself.  Just spending time alone - reading, cleaning, listening to music, etc - it helps to reset my brain and process through what ever is causing the crabbiness.

Two - drinking -- not the most healthy of coping skills, but a great glass of wine will just settle that mood right on down.

Third - retail therapy - again not the most healthy of coping skills, but it seems to help to go buy some stuff when I don't feel well.

What do you do?  Share -- maybe I can add something to the my list that works better than #2 or #3.

Here's to a better mood for the rest of the weekend -- CHEERS!

Yep - Curtain #2 Bob!


  1. I also prefer to be left alone if I'm crabby. Nothing is worse than someone working so hard to bring you out of it when most of the time you just need to wallow for a while.
    As far as coping mechanisms I agree with all ( especially #2 ) but busy work helps me to . Hence all the baby booties and scarves being crocheted !
    Take care Pinot Sista and know you are not alone in the world of crabbiness !
    Love you

  2. I did laughter yoga this week without my Depends. That'll cheer you right up. That is if you want to be cheered up and I must have wanted to, be cheered up that is. Because one second after I started fake laughing I started that real loud hackling kinda laugh. And oh boy was that contagious. It wasn't so much that they were laughing at me, but rather laughing with me. Well no they were laughing at me, but I figure they must have wanted to be cheered up otherwise they wouldn't have real(ly) laughing at me. Actually for all I know they didn't even notice me laughing. Well no that's not true, because Stacy made a comment a few days later about it. She really enjoyed my child like foolishness.

    So......if you're crabby, pretend laugh and you'll be doing a type of yoga that will cheer you up, if you wanna be.
