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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow and more snow.........

Hello world.  I am up this morning and as I opened the door to let the dogs out, MORE SNOW!  The chihuahuas wouldn't go off the snow covered deck and deposited their morning "yellow frozen trinkets" in the snow piles.   We got about an inch (or a little less) of "flurries" and it keeps coming down.  I like snow normally and my co-worker thinks I am "obsessed with weather".  She is right but I believe it is official that I am old.  I hate driving in this stuff.  That has made me not want Winter.  WHAAAA?  I know.  This from the person that really likes a blizzard.  I used to love being snowed in for two or three days at a time.  But I think that was when I was in Spencer where driving to the grocery store was a walk away or two blocks.  If the store closed because of the weather, then I didn't need it.

This last blizzard here in Des Moines showed me that the metro is a different beast.  Snow removal doesn't happen very quickly here.  My little red car doesn't like it.  I need to purchase some sandbags for the trunk or better yet, a new bigger, heavier vehicle?

Yep!  I scooped that AGAIN!
So headed in to the city later to pick up Kiona and her friend and we are headed to see a movie.  So cross your fingers that I keep it between the snow piles (can't see any of the lines any more).  Popcorn, teens and a theater!  Yea Saturday.  Last one before school starts up again.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lost and Almost Forgotten

Good morning.....what happened?

In the middle of my travelogue posts about my adventures in Ireland, I had a technology snafu and haven't been back.  So I will finish the travel posts, I have all the pictures organized and downloaded, I just got to get to it.  And now, Christmas is here.

Where the hell does the time go?  I look up from "hammering the giant's toe" *(Angela Shelton reference) and WAA LAW, 27th anniversary of marriage, Christmas is here and the only decorations I have up is a Santa door hanger, a Ceramic Christmas Tree from my Secret Santa at work, and I changed out the outside light bulbs to Green and Red (I think I am going to leave those all year long - brings a bit of mystery to my house).  Oh yeah - and my Willow Tree Nativity set (but that stays out all year).

The only thing I know is that I am getting older, time is fleeting, and big things (like a vacation to Ireland) zaps all my energy.  I can't keep up, so I am setting my expectations for myself lower and keep trudging forward.

So today's goal, get one post done by figuring out the technology issues.........when I wake up from my nap.