My life is extremely NOT scheduled (the way I like it) and when there are things thrown in there that schedule it too much, I feel like I am off center.
The new year has begun and the month has started like any other. We just keep ticking those calendar pages off. I feel as if things are speeding by at such a rapid pace. It reminds me of the Indiana Jones movie "Temple of Doom" where they are riding the coal cars that start out slow and they get faster and faster until they leave the tracks. and no one is steering and there is terror everywhere. THAT is what it feels like this month.
Could this be because my birthday (not a big one - but another birthday non the less) is 3 days away?
Could it be because my children are all in their 20s and I remember my 20s like it was yesterday?
Could it be because I am over half way through my life? YIKES!
Could this be that I don't have enough coffee in my yet?
Any way, I am trying to figure out what will slow that coal car down? It feels like a weird transition. Weird meaning, I am not taking care of children (running to and fro for appointments or school events), my job isn't stressful, and life is pretty calm (said the eye of the hurricane - just kidding). So most people would just be enjoying the calm. I can't figure out how to ride the waves and let it rest. I am hoping it is just my brain this week and centered-ness will come in a short second. I need to touch base with some meditation and calming activities. Maybe visit a little HUGH and nature. Keep coming calm weather.
But there were so many media people leaving the DSM International airport on Wednesday morning they had to bring bomb sniffing dogs in for security. Cause you know, the media personnel want to blow up planes left and right.......gotta get that story!
ANY WHO......
I choose not to caucus this year as a protest. But really my heart is not in it. I am a card carrying member of the liberal party (which doesn’t always equate to being a Democrat in this day and age) and don’t usually feel any shame about that in spite of recent years where somehow being liberal and progressive equates you with Satan. I am not sure how that happened over the last few years. In the dictionary liberal means “Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values”. Progressive means “Happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step”. What is wrong with wanting new ideas? It doesn’t say we MUST discard all traditional values….it says WILLING TO. Progress! What is wrong with progress? If would stay reliving and/or stuck in the past, there would be no electricity, no blogs….OMG NO FACEBOOK!
I just want the powers that be to decide that we all can agree to disagree on certain issues and then get some flippin’ work done. Or how about my idea - a matriarchal system…Only allow women to go to DC and Des Moines – THEN some work would get done. (I can’t imagine THIS statement is not going to garner some interesting comments since it is so difficult for women to support one another – BUT ALAS THAT WILL BE ANOTHER BLOG POST)
As is my routine for writing each week, I start - see where the thoughts will take me and in the meantime scroll through pictures on my phone for the week (YEAH! There are a lot on there -- so many that I can't back up my phone data cause there are too many and I have been asked by my technical adviser to "go through and delete some of them"). I came across this one that I took last week......
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For those of you that are reading this and don't know this beautiful princess. Her name is Marissa Kay Dodson. She is affectionately known as ROO. This little girl has the best attitude. She tells it like it is, makes no apologies for her attitude or her thoughts; yet still remains the most caring and loving child. SHE is my centered-ness. I forgot I took this picture. I see this as a message that I just need to kidnap this kid on a Friday night and spend the entire weekend with her. She brings me such joy and makes me laugh. You never know what she is going to say or the wisdom she will share with whomever will listen. LOVE YA ROO!
Okay that's it. I will have another post this week because I saw an amazing movie New Year's Weekend and rented another fun those reviews will be coming out soon!
Have a great week and enjoy your Saturday morning HOT BEVERAGE!
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