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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Biorhythms, Energy and my MOOD

Kicking the doldrums in the BUTT hasn't been a success at all probably for the last almost 2 to 3 months.  I can't explain it other than I just want to hibernate and be anti-social.  Investigating what it all means.  Some would say depression.  But ALAS, I have had that checked by a professional and the diagnosis was   'not so much'.  So.............I started to research biorhythms.  Of course 'there is an app for that'.

Curtis and I are hooked into the Apple cloud.  What the hell does that mean?  It means that when one of us downloads an App it shows up on the other's phone.  So good thing there are no male stripper apps huh?  Any-who.....he downloaded this app for our iPhones that shows us where our biorhythms are......well let me tell you!  

Wait....first of all -- what are biorhythms?  Biorhythms are "a cyclically recurring pattern of physiological states in an organism or organ, such as alpha rhythm or circadian rhythm; believed by some to affect physical and mental states and behavior".  Here is an online Online Biorhythm Chart that you can do for yourself.

I put all this information in my app and discovered something very interesting.  My intellectual, physical and emotional rhythms have ALL been less than 0 (range is 100% to 0% to -100%) for a bit now.  Emotional has been hanging in the -90% range.  Ah - HA!  Solution!  Nope - Not so fast.  They haven't been there for 2-3 months - just a couple days. 

And as most of my faithful readers know, I am especially tuned in to energy and the "feelings" I get from people and situations.  Well that has been a bit messed up during this time period.  I still get those strong CREEPER feelings.  But my usual energy feelings from people are clouded by something.  I have NO IDEA what it is, but it is freaking me out.  Is that some weird paranormal energy seeping in to disrupt the patterns?  Does my emotional biorhythm in the negative have an affect on it?  My friends on ghost hunters would likely confirm that.  I just want it to come back.  I feel all discombobulated (yeah - that's a word) when I don't have that energy gauge.  

So what does this all mean?  I am still grumpy.  I am still crabby.  I can't shut my brain off at night so no sleep.  So I am tired.  The not so good news is when I look ahead to see where my biorhythms are in a week or two -- emotional is still hanging low - -90% again!  So I don't see any tunnel out of this any time soon.   This is the official warning.  Gonna be lots of silence and just doing my thing for the next couple of weeks.  And I will work very hard to move through it, but today I feel like I need a bulldozer to push it all aside.


  1. Of course my wise alter ego Mairy Hole read orgasm when you wrote organism. What's the name of the app (for the biorhythms not the other thing)?

    1. Haha! Thanks for making me laugh! The app is called "Life Biorhythms".
