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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Sunday - Coffee Drinkers and Tea Sippers

It has been an eventful week since I have written down my thoughts and ideas in this space.

From wedding dress fitting adventures to dog vaccine crisis and throw in a couple extremely crabby-filled days, it has been a roller coaster.

Bailey and I ventured to Cedar Rapids and met up with the future in-laws for a wedding dress extravaganza.  Kara and her sister were way more patient than I think I would have been.  Kara looked beautiful in every dress that she tried.  And she found the one that works.........I won't post it here, because my amazing son doesn't want to see the dress until the day of......But trust me it is beautiful.  It was an emotional day for all and as you can see Emily was a little "verklempt" because her baby looked so beautiful.

A Mother-Daughter moment

Emily and I had fun looking at some of the ugly Mother of the "__________" dresses.  She and I will be life long friends and I am so happy that she and I enjoy each other's company.

Before this adventure, I took our dogs in for their annual Spring vaccines and check ups.  The vet (who we really like normally and does a great job with our little girls) talked me in to a Liptrospirosis vaccine.  So I did it.  Got everything else done and headed home.  Within 45 minutes, Zoe's head swelled to twice it's size, she had hives, and was having problems breathing.  (Too stressed to take pictures of her. ) Rushed her back to the vet, where they gave her a steroid shot and an antihistamine shot.  Poor thing.  She looked miserable and then was very, very loopy.  This was all close to about 8:00 pm by the time we got it all wrapped up (the time the vet closes).  About two hours later, Stella starts her reaction to the vaccine.  She started itching and her eyes were watering and she was hacking/coughing.  So we rushed her to the Vet emergency room at ISU in Ames and they took great care of her and did the same thing with the steroids and the antihistamine and sent us on our way.  That night Stella got worse.  She wouldn't sleep, seemed to be having a reaction to the antihistamines (kind of like when a kid has the opposite reaction to benedryl and it makes them hyper).  I was up all night with her.  The next morning, I took her back to the vet; was very tired so very grumpy with the vet and they kept her for observation.  She wouldn't walk on her back legs.  So this mommy automatically goes to neurological damage.  They called me Friday afternoon and said "she seems to be fine it was a reaction to the antihistamine" - I picked her up.  NOT fine.....FAR from fine.  So we kept watch through another night and I had to head to Cedar Rapids the next morning.  Curtis ended up taking her back to the vet AGAIN on Saturday.  They kept her again -- no diagnosis -- but since she was not eating or drinking at this point, they gave her fluids and another steroid shot.  Still not doing well when I got back Saturday night.  This whole story DOES have a happy ending.  By Sunday afternoon, she was back to some what of her old self.  She finally started eating and playing little bit.  WHEW!  Feel like we dodge a bullet.  Advice to little dog owners reading research on any vaccine before they want you to get it done.

Zoe on Sunday -- three days after the incident and she looks MUCH better

Chihuahuas are sensitive to different things any way.  I think this just reaffirmed that I will say "no thank you let me wait" next time until I can get my ducks in a row.  Side note - they are supposed to go back for a three week booster  - NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

This weekend we are in Spencer for a friends' child's wedding.  It was beautiful and very emotional.  I miss seeing my Kathy and all the folks that were all there supporting KK.

Great job with those boys by the way.  Grown up into incredible men.

The week rounded out with complete crabbiness that I can't shake.  I am not sure where it is coming from, but it needs to go away.  Meditation hasn't helped.  Alcohol helps temporarily.  I hope it is just some biorhythms thing and I will move out of it next week.  We will see.  Have a great one y'all and catch ya later.


  1. REALLY scary shit with the girls ! Poor little things . Glad all is well now. As far as the crabiness thing , like I said before , it's not just you and I think it's something bigger than both of us.... just not sure what . Have a great Mom's Day my Pinot sis , looking forward to seeing you soon ( just wish it was sooner )xoxo

    1. I think it may be a planet - energy alignment............SEE YA SOON! Can't wait!!
