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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Full Moon Mayhem

The title makes it sound like there was debauchery and mischief.  But alas, just a bunch a seasoned women talking and catching up.  It was a great night filled with TOO MUCH WINE and old friends.  I need to do that more often.  Both the friends and the wine part!

This particular full moon in April was called the Pink Moon.  According to the farmer's almanac "the name came from the herb moss pink or wild ground phlox which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the Spring".  It also was a lunar eclipse.  Unfortunately, we could not see it on this side of the world in the western hemisphere.  

When it rose, it was beautiful.  HUGE on the horizon and glowing pink then orange.  Being in the middle of the country (in the trailerhood), the sky was dark unlike the urban area that is lit up by the lights.  This made for some great star and moon watching.   Once she rose, the stars said, "have at it lady.......we will go dim while you run across the sky".  

The moon to me signifies a female.  The full moon represents the end of mother earth's cycle.  She is full and ripe and ready to purge the month's worth of growth.  This purging prepares her for the new moon and the cycle begins again.

When we planned the full moon party, I wanted it to be a connection to her - a connection to the earth.  One of the ceremonies that I found was a burning/cleansing.  We took a piece of wood (mine was an old paint stick) and wrote down the things that we wanted to clean from ourselves.  This was a bit difficult to do because one thinks about labels.  Expectations of ourselves and expectations from others were at the top of my list.  We all shared those words and then tossed the sticks into the fire.

Another cycle done.  Another chapter turned.  And it starts again.  So is life.  It keeps waxing and waning just like her.

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