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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday morning coffee pondering

Good Saturday Morning.  I know that I only have four people (maybe) reading this but it seems to have turned into a journal type thing.  So I will go on the record apologizing for any content that may be included that I run my mouth about.

This week has been extremely busy.  It felt like the longest week since I started working 6 months ago.  Has been the first week of really busy.  But I love it and am excited to continue to work hard and expand my knowledge base.  This will help with school starting in less than 30 days.  Can you tell I am nervous?

We (really Curtis) got our meager Christmas decorations out.  The living room tree is up.  The basement tree is up and I have a space for the ceramic tree that my mom made us many years ago.  Curtis decided that since we have such meager decorations for a tree, (I REALLY NEED SOME DECORATION HELP!) that he was going to spice it up with some "up-lighting".  So here it is....

The blue lights make it look like a stage production of a Charlie Brown Christmas.....but our theater family LOVES it.

The weather in Central Iowa has been so mild, however we have had the first week of precipitation and some white stuff.  The commute into the Capitol was interesting on Friday morning.  The commuters fall in to two categories -- those that drive like crazy even if the roads are snow covered and those that are cautious in spite of being tailgated and rear-ended by the first group.  And I suppose you all think that I fall into that first one -- WRONG.  My little red skate does not like the slick roads.  So I become the cautious slow commuter.

The precipitation was just a cool rain coming down last Saturday.  I tried to catch it on the bushes outside our house then.  The drops were pretty.

No we have a little bit of snow but have had the first "cold snap".

Now keep in mind, COLD in Northwest Iowa is totally different than COLD in Central Iowa.  I have been keeping tabs on the lows in NW Iowa.  -17 in Sheldon - regular temperature mid week.  We have barely made single digits as lows here and people are complaining.  The perspective is funny.

This week we were able to connect with friends that we haven't seen for a while.  It was good to talk to them and catch up and see how much their kids have grown and matured.  It makes me feel extremely old.  But out of that Curtis was able to acquire a prized possession.  He has been looking for this for a very long time.  And Brett had a bottle.

I don't think he likes the taste as much as his Jameson, but he can say he has a bottle.

That is it for the week.  Going to head out with Friends tonight to check out ZOMBIE BURGER.  One of my favorite new restaurants in town.  New pictures next week.  We are headed to Davenport to celebrate our anniversary at a really cool hotel and check out a friend's art show.

Until then.....check out one of my favorite blogs.
For an organizing nerd, this is nirvana!

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I love the Templeton's more, but I have told myself that to make it last, I will have no more than one drink at any sitting.
