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Saturday, December 10, 2011

What am I watching? What am I listening to? What am I reading?

I decided to add a section to discuss what I am watching, what I am listening to and what I am reading.

What I am watching:
aMOVIES:  The last movie rented from my trusted Red Box was Crazy, Stupid, Love.  I was a little hesitant to rent it because I thought it looked like another predictable RomCom.  Here is the link to the IMDB information about it. 

SIDE NOTE: is one of my FAVORITE websites.  I have an amazing iPhone and iPad app that let's me enter any movie title, actor, movie song and has all the information plus reviews about that movie.  Even the OBSCURE weird stuff.  It is great cheat for a trivia game.

Back to the Movie:  I was hesitant.  I LOVE Steve Carell and Julianne Moore and of course KEVIN BACON.   I must say, I WAS PLEASANTLY SURPRISED.  The movie starts out with this really sad revelation and you completely feel for Steve Carell's character.  At the same time his wife in the movie, Julianne Moore, is so conflicted and tortured you can't hate her, just feel sad for her.  As the movie progresses, the plot lines are a bit predictable.  Josh Grobin makes an appearance that makes me think he might be in more movies in the future.  FUNNY GUY!  And the other middle of the movie saving grace is Ryan Gosling's ABS!  WOW!  Any-who.....there is a bit of a twist at the end (I won't spoil it) that came out of no where.  Usually I can figure those things out.  Didn't have a clue.  I give it a 3 out of 5 glasses of wine.  SO GO RENT IT!

TELEVISION:  Many of you know this but we have not hooked up cable or a dish since we moved to DSM.  We are able to get off air channels with an antenna but that gets us the big 4 - ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX.   This means no DVR either.  I was never a person to arrange my schedule around a television show because I could always rely on my trusty DVR to have it loaded into a memory space for me.  NO SO MUCH ANY MORE!  We have not had FX, AMC, A&E, or of course HBO or SHOWTIME.  I have missed an entire season of TRUE BLOOD - GASP!!!  So we have utilized Netflix streaming and tried to watch or catch up on shows that we hadn't watched before.

We started with four seasons of the AMC Show Mad Men.  If you are not familiar, it takes place in the 1950s and 1960s surrounding Madison Avenue and the advertising agencies in New York City.  The one thing that I can say is that it is very compelling and the characters are very complex.  The writers do a great job of conveying the struggles of the inner demons of the main character (AND BOY HOWDY DOES HE HAVE MANY) and the gender and race struggles of that time period.  At times I found my self getting very angry at the way women were portrayed in the series.  Then I would realize that it was very realistic to the time period.  I can not wait for Season 5 to premiere March 2012.  But then I will have to wait for the season to be released on DVD.  So probably another year.  I give it a 5 out of 5 glasses of wine!  If you haven't seen it -- I recommend it.

What I am listening to:

My most played selection on my iPhone or iPad in the last month is Adele.

Her "not so new" release 21 is incredibly rich and sorrow filled, yet has some catchy and amazing tunes.  In spite of her recent bought with throat issues causing her to cancel all of her US shows, Adele remains a vocal force in the pop and jazz music realm.  I had in my iTunes library her debut CD 19.  Her sophomore success has caused me to add that CD back into my playlist.  I think I listen to her every day.  Even though the radio is OVERPLAYING a couple of her songs, I still can't get enough of her rich, sultry, vocals.

I encourage you to go to her website and watch all her videos.  Her interviews describing the inspiration to all her songs on 21 are really good.  Here is the website link to see them.

I rate 21 as a 5 out of 5 wine glasses.  I give her debut CD 19 a 4 out of 5 wine glasses.

The other music that I listen to every day are TWO songs that I can't get enough of.  They get in my head at the beginning of the day and I can't get them out until I listen to the song.  First one......

LMAFO - Sexy and I Know It  Now, I know it is a silly, silly song. And these boys are silly, silly boys.  But their sense of humor is contagious.  Don't judge me!  The video (link above) makes me giggle like a 12 year old and I can't get enough of their 'fros and speedos'.  Humor me would ya?  I rate this song 3 out of 5 wine glasses.

MAROON 5 w/ Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger  My boy Adam Levine (I say that like we know each other - only in my dreams) always delivers rock star performance songs (and concerts too).  But this song with Christina knocks it out of the park for me.  The link is to the music video.  Check it out and you will be moving like Jagger.  I rate this song 5 out of 5 wine glasses.

What am I reading:
I have been burning up the Nook these last few months.  I am anticipating that come January 9 when school starts I will not have any "free" reading time.  So trying to get in as many books as possible off my wish list.  I have 30 days left to get it done.

Thanks to my old Spencer Book club and my NOOK BUDDY KEETAH, I have been enjoying the "Eden" book trilogy:  Chasing Eden, Beyond Eden, and Treasure of Eden.  Not the best written book that I have experienced, but the subject matter is very interesting.

This is a trilogy and I  feel as if they were written as one big book that either the author or the publisher decided to divide up in to three books.

The main character is a chaplain in the US military and the book starts with her in Iraq and the book tells us the 'real' reason the war started:  The search for the Garden of Eden which is reportedly in the area of Iraq.  Of course the book is fiction, but reads for the first part like a non-fiction book.  It does have a bit of "spy" type thrills in it and keeps a person guessing most of the time.  I am currently on the third book and have enjoyed them.  I rate all of them 3 out of 5 wine glasses.

Next on my list after I have completed this book is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

 I picked this book because the movie is being released soon with Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks.  It is the story of a young boy whose father dies in 9-11.  This boy's journey to find something from his father and the people he meets along the way.  I will report back with this book when I am finished.

Check out full reviews at this link below.

That is all for now.  Hope it inspired you to read, listen or watch.

Until next time!

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