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Monday, December 26, 2011

What am I watching? What am I listening to? What am I reading?

It has been a very busy weekend with different parts of the family traveling in for Christmas, gift exchanges, game playing, and hugs and warmth from those we love the most.

So, surfing through some of my favorite blogs and hanging out with another early riser  - GABE.  He explained to me that he gets up early on no school days because he doesn't want to waste any time sleeping when he doesn't have to go to school.  On school days, he would rather sleep in.  LOVE THAT KID!

But since I couldn't sleep this morning past 5:30, I thought that I would share another installment of WHAT AM I READING? WHAT AM I LISTENING TO? WHAT AM I READING?

What I am watching:
Football has taken up most of my weekends.  This is an exciting time for the NFL with playoff hopes being realized or dashed, it gets very exciting.  Most of my disappointment surrounds our beloved Cowboys (and particularly a very whiny overrated quarterback named Romo), but it has been great to watch the Pack dominate once again.  I hope they meet up with Brady and the Pats (another hated team) and dominate - that will be a better game than the Super Bowl.

Seriously though, movies or TV.......The last movie I watched was STRIPES!  I know - I forgot how cheesy and silly that movie is.  Bill Murray was one of those comedians that was just silly and then turned into a really GREAT actor.  Bailey had never seen the movie before so we watched it Christmas Eve.  Thank you NetFlix.

The television series we have been re-watching recently is Commander in Chief.  This was a one year series that had unfortunate timing - released during the popularity of West Wing.  It had to compete with the "other president show".  This is a well written show released in 2005 starring Geena Davis.  She becomes the first female president.  She is the vice president in the first episode and the president has a stroke  and dies.  It is very complex and does a great job showing the political issues that arise out of sexism due to her presidency.  Donald Sutherland plays her political rival with mastery.   YOU LOVE TO HATE HIM.  I remember watching this series when it first came out and was a bit upset when it wasn't picked up for a second season.

If you get a chance I encourage you to watch the series.  Again, THANK YOU NetFlix.

What I am listening to:

Nothing has really stood out since the last "music" post.  I am still listening to Adele, OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.  However, the last few days, I have been listening to likely the BEST CHRISTMAS CD in many many years - Michael Buble Christmas.  His rich smooth voice makes sometimes annoying Christmas music bearable.  I was fortunate enough to see Michael (yeah we are on a first name basis - after he sang the song about me ("Me and Mrs. Dean - I mean Jones") we became much much closer) in concert at Wells Fargo Arena shortly after we moved here.  He is an amazing show man and I think that after the concert, I listen to his music differently.  That could be why I like this Christmas CD.  Check it will likely be my favorite for Holiday seasons to come.

What I am reading:

Not much news in this section either.  I am still working on Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.  It has so far been a slow beginning, but I think that it will pick up.  This author's writing style is a bit difficult to keep focused, however, I think the main character (a little boy who lost his dad in 9-11) is complex and would likely have an official diagnosis of Asperger's or Autism (and we may find that out yet) -- and that contributes to the difficulty of being able to follow his thought patterns since it is told in first person.

Only 14 days until I school starts!  Now one would think that I will not be posting, but I am still going to try.  Two of my classes are watching movies (IT's a FILM CLASS) and reading (HUMOR IN LITERATURE) so I will try to keep you updated on what I am consuming in those two classes.

Have a GREAT NEW YEAR!   And enjoy all those moments with Family and Friends because they go by so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you couldn't sleep , but I love your rants.Merry Christmas my friend !
