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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

End of a Girls' Weekend

What a whirlwind!  After getting to know each other a little bit on Friday night, it was time for bed to gear up for our busy Saturday.

Saturday morning we all slowly got up, ate some breakfast and then got ready for our shopping trip to Jordan Creek Mall.

Marissa, Quinn, Kiona, and Hannah - getting ready to leave

I told them to "act silly"

The two older girls helped me very much this weekend - thanks ladies!
I like to call these two -- Woo Hoo Girls in Training!

Bailey is helping me with the shopping task - Thanks Bailey

So we started at Trader Joes for me and then headed to TJ Max for Bailey.  Then off to the mall. 

Kiona got one of her new birthday presents.

Quinn and her new outfit

Kiona the fashionista - had to make sure that mom approved of the skirt

We spent quite a long time in the Justice store.  Not one of my favorite stores, but the girls love it.  Then we went to Claires - Again - #2 on my least favorite store.  But they did want to go to Barnes and Nobles so that was a redemption for a little bit.

After about 4 hours the girls were exhausted and wanted to head home.  So we went back home with all of our new clothes, new shoes, books, and craft supplies.

After a short little rest to rejuvenate, craft time started.  The first project was to decorate acrylic picture frames for each one of them to keep.  We had stickers, jewels and ribbons.  The girls did a great job.

The next project was creating braided keychains......Bailey was the leader here and helped each girl braid and put together their project.

After crafts were complete (except for some extra braiding by Bailey), it was time to go outside and do some energy releasing activities.  Walking on the trails, hula hoops, etc.  Lots of energy - we could solve all energy problems if we could harness that stuff.

The four lasses were energetic and amazing and tired and tiring.  But, that is completely what I planned during this weekend.  I think by the end of the weekend, they were ready to go home and have some routine too.

I know that we will do it again.  I love girls this age.  I love their giggles, their creativity, and their innocence.  I cherish them as a the young women they will grow up to be.

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