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Saturday, April 7, 2012

A new look

If you are a regular (really?....I am sorry!  There are more exciting things) you likely noticed that I have changed things up a little bit.  My background was a bit boring so I changed up the display.  I also changed me blog name.  Instead of Rho's Rants -- that seems to have a negative energy to it - I have decided to call it "Living a Joy-Filled Life".  That energy feels better.  And I think that I wasn't "ranting" as much as sharing with all of you.  I apologize if it has been too much some times.  So mucho bueno.

Two day headache is finally gone this morning.  I know that it was a sinus and tension headache combination, but I slept many hours yesterday and couldn't get it to go away.  Finally after 800mg of ibuprofen and another good nights sleep it has disappeared.  I think this little additive helped  a lot.

Chili's marketing persuaded me to try this.  Normally, I love their margaritas.  I didn't like this one.  :(  Their gimmick of the upside down bottle is just that.  A tiny bottle of Corona that should inject itself into the margarita as your drinking it but it didn't.  Oh, don't get me wrong, I drank it all, but won't likely order it again.  So it was likely the ibuprofen and some more sleep that finally did it, but the picture looks cool.

We have another busy week at the Dean ranch.  All the kids are coming home for a weekend.  As they get older it is so much harder to do that.  But fingers crossed cause Jordan isn't here yet, but I think we are going to make it happen.  So a bit of grilling, some games, and fun will be had by all.  I love my adult children.  Why can't kids go from 5th grade directly to 25?  It would make everyone's life (including their own) easier.  But I don't think it is supposed to be that way.  God gives us teenagers so we will want them to all leave the house at 18.  All the trials and tribulations have been worth it as they are amazing adults.

School wraps in about two weeks.  YEAH TWO WEEKS!  This first semester was a learning experience for me.  Not just the obvious book learning element, but an experience about my patience and organization of time.  My patience with the fact that I have to go through the motions with a couple of these classes.  For example, my writing class is about business writing - the How To Do Business Letters, etc - I do that every day at work and have been able to use some of my work stuff to satisfy assignments.  However, I get a bad attitude about it.  I get impatient and forget that I just have to go through the motions and do all the requirements.  So now I just two weeks of that.  Oh yeah and finals!  YIKES!  But again, just have to go with the it and take it one class and one day at a time.

That doesn't make me any less exhausted some days - thus a tension headache.  I think that I am a pretty active middle age person that can juggle many things.  It has been a taxing few months.  I have given up some of my favorite activities to get this done - camping in front of the TV for hours, etc.  But I just have to remember this is temporary.  I can do anything for a short period of time.  But I think Zoe expressed it the best.  Laying in the sun just chilling.  I want to do that!  But give me a beach chair, a fun beverage, and a cabana boy - okay don't need the boy part - but a book (not school work) would be great.

Til next time Joy Filled Readers!  Laugh at least once a day this next week please.  GIGGLING releases a natural endorphin chemical in your brain-- GIGGLE AWAY!

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