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Saturday, March 30, 2013

The amazing, incredible powerhouse that is P!NK

I started this post right when I got back from Chicago and the incomparable P!NK.  I didn't finish it because I didn't think I could put into words the experience from that concert.  And then I found some YouTube videos to help me.  So here we go.......

We started with taking the MegaBus from Des Moines to Iowa City, picked up Kara and then on our way to Chicago.  That sounds all fine and well, but the driver was terrible AND we were TWO hours late getting into Chicago.  TWO HOURS!  So not only do airlines run late apparently the bus system does too.

Any way, Keetah and I navigated downtown to the CTA station and boarded the train to head toward the airport since our hotel was near O'Hare.  A few subway stops later, we found our shuttle and we were tucked into the hotel and decided we needed to eat at the Harry Carey's Steakhouse.

Shared some good food and a couples drinks.  Bartender kicked us out and suggested that we go across the street to another place that stayed open later.  We "squirreled" it across the street (if you don't know what squirreling is it is when individuals that May or may not be drunk run across lanes of traffic without using a crosswalk - TEE HEE) with six lanes of traffic -- YIKES  - and found the place he was talking about.  Stayed there for a little while and headed back to the hotel.

The next day we headed downtown to meet up with the gang, hang out with in-laws, supper and go to the concert.

Enough about me.  What about the concert?

The United Center is HUGE!

We were back a bit from the stage and I realized I forgot my camera when I was on the BUS!  UGH!  So phone would have to do.  It didn't.  Just too far away.  SO I pulled some YouTube videos down and they are closer any way and you get the idea.  :)

The beginning of the show is like a broadway drama.  The theme is "The Truth About Love".  We see a video of P!nk drinking her man troubles away.

SIDEBAR!!!  Speaking of Man troubles.  I noticed right away that there were very few men at this concert.  I think in our nosebleed section there were maybe 3 men.  Lots and Lots of women, but very few men. HUH?

Any who -- then this is the first song!  RAISE YOUR GLASS!!!!!

On my feet already much to the annoyance of the group behind me.  Two things folks:  I AM SHORT!  YOU CAN SEE OVER ME!  And IT'S A FREAKIN' CONCERT!  YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND UP!  GEEZ!

The night kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  Lots of acrobats, great vocals, amazing bodies - I mean dancers.  Here are a few more videos.

At this point, this was my favorite performance - I was speechless when it was done - Sober - it starts off a little slow, but keep with it.  :)

Then.....oh my.......then she broke it out OLD SCHOOL!  First CD back in the day (okay that feels weird cause it wasn't THAT long ago, but I believe there were folks in the crowd that had never heard these songs before) YEP!  I was up dancing!  LOVE those first songs!  There you go and more

The most beautiful performance was Glitter in the Air

And the FINALE --So What

All in all this was the most amazing concert I have EVER been to.  It was better than any broadway show that I have ever seen.  And as we were waiting for our crew at our 'meet up' place after the show, I saw two women.  I am going to assume they were mother and daughter and they were both sobbing - overcome with emotion from this incredible performer.

I have been saying since then when people ask me how it was that if I were independently wealthy, I would follow her around the country and the world just to see that performance over and over again.  I know.  I am obsessed.

But what is the one thing that will make my post-P!nk euphoria better?  SHE IS COMING TO DES MOINES.  Tickets go on sale to the general public in 20 minutes as I write this.  I have my fingers crossed that I can get 4 seats pretty close to the stage.  May the ticketmaster, internet ticket purchasing goddesses be in my favor so I can get good seats.  FINGERS CROSSED!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Random (or are they) quotes that I have heard this week

I love quotes and saying by famous and not so famous people.  I have a wipe board in my cubicle at work that has quotes that I change up all the time.  But this week seems to be a particular week of quotes that have jumped out at me.  Not just jumped out, they have slapped me in the face.

Last night I went to an another amazing concert at the GrapeVine.  Daphne Willis and Korby Lenker - These are two very talented musicians and I once again am so fortunate to get to hear some amazing music here in Central Iowa.  Check both of them out on YouTube.

But Ms. Daphne sang a song and a lyric gave me a little JOLT........."Quit yelling at me from the backyard I'm in the front of the house" - I was like "what did you just say".....and then she sang it again "Quit yelling at me from the backyard I'm in the front of the house"............Daphne, are you talking to me?   But seriously, my brain went into overdrive working out that lyric.

Then today, I am working on my Leadership class and working on the Unit about Followers in Leadership.  This quote "Leave our world better than it was when we came here".  That is what we do when we do victim services work.  What is my legacy?  THAT is my hope "that I leave the world a better than it was when I cam here".  I think I am on my way with that.

Continuing to read through my Leadership class, another one BANGS out of the textbook.  This is an excerpt from Nelson Mandella's famous inaugural speech from 1994.  He was talking to the people of South Africa, but it resounds with everyone.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?  You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory.....that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

INDEED Mr. Mandella.  INDEED!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What am I listening too?

Today (tonight really) is the day I get to be enamored once again with Mr. Adam Levine.  I saw him and Maroon 5 a few years ago when they were the headline and Augustana (fell in love with them) and Counting Crows (the real reason my husband went with) opened for them in an outdoor amphitheater in Kansas City.  They were promoting their "It Won't Be Soon Before Long" CD.  They have had three releases since then and I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this new one "Overexposed".  So think of me when I am dancing along with my "t-shirt man".  I am very excited.  It will be worth it to drive in a snow storm on the way home.

And by the way - stay tuned for a review of the P!NK concert.....headed to Chicago next weekend for a P!NK weekend!  Fingers are tingling with anticipation.  And I am blessed to love music and see live music this month of March.

I fortunately had the pleasure to be invited to a house concert with my favorite DSM (Coon Rapids really) musician and his amazingly talented harmonizer (and promoter) Bonita in Audubon on Friday night.  My friend from Kansas City has a sister in Audubon and they were hosting Chad Elliott for a house concert.  They weren't sure what to think about us (Keetah and I) at this venue.  I think the words were "thank you for your enthusiasm".  That is code for "you were too loud".  I have known this amazing song writer for a very long time - longer than I think he would like to admit to anyone.  And I am continually amazed at the body of work that comes out of those guitar strings.  A great story teller and am amazing talent.  Check him out at

Chad is releasing a new CD called "So Sang the Crow".  His CD release party was last night at The GrapeVine, LLC here in Des Moines.  I was not able to attend.  BOO!  But, I have a copy and am in love with it.  If you have Spotify, you can listen to it there as well.

My favorite song so far is "Oak Tree Grave".  The guitar riff that repeats is mesmerizing and the microphone distortion is hypnotic.  The title track "So Sang the Crow" is a close second.  I am however sure that will change as I listen to it over and over and over again.  I am serious.  I have ALL of his CDs and try to get to as many shows as I can.  THIS CD is his best!  The production quality alone is incredible.  But add in the dulcimer and the other instruments it just explodes with amazing sound and takes you right to the front row of one of his shows.

BRAVO CHAD!  BRAVO!  This will be rocking my cubicle and my little red car for the next few months!

Now.  Here is where I need a favor from you.  There are two things that need to come together.  Planets or star alignment if you will.  Some of you know that I am a little obsessed the with show Sons of Anarchy.  It is my guilty pleasure.  The boys from SAMCRO entertain and shock me most of the time.

Chad has a song that would be perfect for this show called "RAPTURE".  It didn't make the CD, but am confident that it will the next time.  Here it is on YouTube -- Chad Elliott - Rapture.

I am starting a Facebook campaign.  Sons of Anarchy has a Facebook Page.  I am posting this YouTube video of this song every other day to it.  If you are a CHAD fan, help me out!  Post on their Facebook page too.  Hoping that it gets through the minions that take care of the social media for SOA to Kurt Sutter or Katey Sagal.  CROSSING MY FINGERS!

At the very least, please buy his CD.  Go to his website, call the GrapeVine or email or message me and I will hook you up.  And consider him for a house concert.  It is a great way to bring your friends together, share some food and beverage, and listen to an amazing artist!  Oh and invite me cuz, I bring "enthusiasm".

May an old oak tree grow from my grave,
Let everyone know how much I gave.
Think on me beneath the cool, cool shade,
Of an old oak tree grown from my grave.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Write, delete, write, delete

What is wrong with me?  That is an interesting question with many answers depending who you ask.

But in this context, I mean.......what is the deal?  I write a blog, delete the blog.   Write another blog, and delete the blog.  I have done this four times in the last four weeks.

The only explanation that I have is that it doesn't 'feel right' to post what I have written so I didn't.

So here I sit trying again.  Words swirling in my brain, rolling around and tornado like to the end of my fingers to the keyboard.  I am watching for swollen and split fingernails.  And staccato, broken sentence structure and grammar, with ALL CAPS.

I think I need to make a U-turn.