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Saturday, August 25, 2012

My tank is empty


Another post that is negative and YUCK......but for some reason I need to let it ooze out in words and phrases.

My tank is depleted.  I have no more.  Normally I am able to fill it up before the light comes on to tell me I have "low fuel".  But this week, the tank is empty.  I am confused as to why the normal fueling tasks are not perking it right up again.  Those things that worked before to energize and revitalize are not working this week.  This is an area where I can usually go to the self-serve and pump my own gas.  I normally have the capacity to pull a tanker truck behind me and fill it right up.  But that tanker has jack-knifed.

As I started this post on Wednesday, I have spent a fair amount of time writing this - lots of typing and deleting - I am trying to find the reason(s).  Watching human behavior (mine included) has been a large component.  One syphoning issue is all the attention surrounding the words "legitimate" rape, "war on women", etc, etc.....It keeps going.  At first I thought, this is just a bunch of crazy penises that really don't have any power.  But as I read and watch more, I am truly terrified as these things are part of the GOP platform.  We can get swept up in the media hype about the presidential elections.  And yes, they are important, but the REAL power is held in the hands of our CongressMEN and Senators.  And how many of you actually pay attention to the PENISES that make decisions for you?  How many of those men really care what their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, etc feel about this issue?  How many of their wives play small on these issues?

The other part of this is the accusations and innuendos surrounding MAN hating - at times directed at me.  Are you fucking kidding me?  (My favorite saying by the way!)  That to me is the same thing as saying "what about abused men?"  "What about men who are raped?"  "What about men that get breast cancer?"  WHAT ABOUT THEM?  SHOULDN'T WE (and I am) BE OUTRAGED BY THOSE CRIMES/MEDICAL ISSUES AS WELL?  I equate this to an argument with a teenager or a toddler (same brains by the way).  When confronted with a tough question about their behavior, they throw up an argument that is smoke and mirrors and diverts our attention from the issue at hand.  I acknowledge that there are women that abuse; I acknowledge that there are men that are raped (BY OTHER MEN BY THE WAY), I acknowledge that there are men that get breast cancer.  But who is legislating men's reproductive health?  Who is legislating that insurance companies pay for men's birth control?  Who is saying that men can't determine what they can and can't do with their bodies?  I don't see that.  And that is what we are talking about.  There has never been an argument in a House or Senate committee or on the floor over whether Viagra or Cialis is paid for with health insurance dollars.  There has never been legislation about men who father children and the welfare "reform" surrounding that.

The tank is empty.

I posted a link on Facebook this week from one of my favorite blogs (if you have a chance read it).  The posts here usually make fun of the ridiculousness that is the world, the media, politics, and our obsession with celebrity and OMG do they make me laugh - thus filling my tank.  But Ms. Ryan NAILED IT!  She said that she is officially "in the throes of rape fatigue."  THAT'S IT!  SHE IS RIGHT!  OMG!  That is why my tank is empty.

The constant "blitzkrieg" on a daily basis.  Not just in the media, but to my person empties my tank.  The instances of "playing small" and "biting my tongue" empties my tank.  The thought that "this is it....." empties my tank.  Another verdict in a court case that is "not guilty" empties my tank.  One more task that I don't have the energy for empties my tank.  And it goes on and on.  So not only is my inside tank empty.  That tanker truck I pull along to replenish?  It is empty too.

Ms. Ryan said it best in the last paragraph of her blog:

Eventually a person gets to the point where they can longer withstand the constant blitzkrieg of bullshit. So, Steve King, Todd Akin, and shouty Twitter conservatives: you win. Rape outrage limit reached. I have given this all of my fucks, and the fucks I have given are still not enough fucks. So many more fucks need to be given, and I have exhausted my fuck supply. The fucks are on backorder. Employees are working overtime to restock my fucks, but in the meantime, please accept this 10% off coupon while we wait for the fucks to arrive via FedEx. I'll be over here, drinking wine from a Pac Man mug and watching cartoons.

Or in my case wine from a plastic heart cup and reruns of Friends episodes on TBS......The last one at midnight last night was about a female tanker truck driver.


  1. I said Fuck a few times this week. Felt good. Felt good to read them too. Seems appropriate that i posted this on Facebook this week. The way I see it there's two ways to expend my energy (fuel). 1. I can expend my fuel bending, twisting and controlling this big thing called life (what an illusion). 2. I can pour my fuel into the flow of this big thing called life, centered in what I know is true for me, which allows me to know when to expend some fuel getting convicted and constructively getting a tad bit pissed off. That's *uck with a "PH". ; ) thanks friend!

    1. I have (and still am) learning that I have no control. Over others, over life, over me some times (that is the scary part). But we keep moving and SCREAM PHUCK every once in a while!

  2. No comment other than to say I love you ! Come to the river and replenish , Mother Nature will help , I promise . But look out girl , full moon next week , it could be a bumpy ride . Just keep in mind , "it is what it is . " We all just have to say Fuck It once in a while ....

    1. It feels good to say it, read it and write it. My rants are really only my way of filling my tank the best way I know how at this point.

      AS ALWAYS, thank you for your support and wisdom -- SISTA from another MISTA -- I miss your beautiful face! SOON! REAL SOON!
