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Saturday, August 4, 2012

My week with Angela (and Karl)

This has been a week that I have been looking forward to for many months now -- that seems to be a theme this year for me - RAGBRAI, Angela's visit, a wedding coming up, and a trip to Ireland.

Angela Shelton (now Kail) is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world.  She is one of the most talented people I know and most importantly she makes me laugh and giggle so hard all the time.

If you don't know who she is, check out her website.  There are many things going on on that website but I think that I spend the most time on her blog.  Her latest blog post talks about something that we all think about - chin hair  or female beards.  It is very insightful - wait - just funny as hell.

Angela agreed to present at the Iowa Attorney General's Office Crime Victim Assistance Division Criminal Justice Conference.  I am so grateful that she shared her message with all those present.

It was also the first time that I met her new husband Karl.  I feel like I have heard so much about him that we have been old friends forever.  It was such a great week to spend time with the both of them.  I am honored to not only have them visit, but for them to spend their honeymoon in Iowa.

I have it in my calendar in PEN to visit them next Summer.  So hang on Pennsylvania and all of Angela's beavers -- I will get there!

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