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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Back to Saturday Morning Coffee Pondering....

Happy Coffee Drinking Friends!

I have a school work weekend planned.  Curtis starts his dance season and has a few more dances to do in Northwest Iowa.  He is slowly making the transition to Central Iowa but there will be a few trips back.  If any of you know any one getting married, having a big anniversary party or just want to have fun, don't forget to get in touch with him.  Or better yet, check out the website at  He has  assembled a pretty rocking team of DJs that cover NW Iowa, Central Iowa and parts of Eastern Iowa.

The most exciting news EVER happened this week.  April 28, I will have been in central Iowa for one year.  It has FLOWN faster than I would have even thought.

This week my bestie, sista girl in the whole wide world, Keetah, got a job in Central Iowa.  She and her family will be moving closer!

My heart is a flutter.  She will begin her job almost exactly one year after I started mine.  I know the stress of a FAMILY move, but they will work through it, their house will sell FAST, and all will be well in the world.  I can't wait for the kids to be closer, to see them more often and hang out and the most important part -- watch them grow into the most amazing people!

Another girlfriend visit happens tomorrow.  I get to see Joanie Nelson!  She and Wade are going to meet us in Audubon to PLAN OUR IRELAND TRIP!   YEP, we are pulling the trigger and going to Ireland with them this late fall, early winter.  So the itinerary and details will be organized tomorrow.  So very exciting!

 On another front, it has been unseasonably warm this week.  Curtis had to mow last night and it is still March.  Because we are now in a different planting zone, I feel like it is always like this, but people are telling me no that we usually still have snow on the ground.  We had about an entire week of moisture and unfortunately could still use some more I think.  Note the brown patches in our yard still.  But I have put my houseplants outside risking overnight chances of freezing.  And they are loving the sun.

The trees are budding or flowering, daffodils are up and blooming and the folks in Pella are worried that the tulips will be bloomed way ahead of the Pella Tulip Festival coming up.  Mother Nature decided to get an early start.  I am no way complaining, I love the bird songs in the morning, the sun comes up earlier and earlier and it has moved way to the North and not directly shining in my patio door any more in the mornings.

I am so excited to have this tree off to the side of our driveway.  It is beautiful right now.  And I am getting the itch to put my fingers in some dirt.  Been walking through garden centers doing some planning.  Gotta be a little bit patient I think.

All the outside pictures were taken by my husband.  He took my phone and snapped a few when I said "I don't have any pictures for my blog this week".  THANK YOU Curtie!

Well, I am off to see The Hunger Games this morning.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the books so can't wait to see the movie.  Mixed reviews by viewers who went late Thursday night or yesterday.  I am going this morning at 10:00 am.  I am hoping that it will just be me and a couple other people since that is way to early for teenagers and their disruptive and rude movie going ways.  But that is a topic for another blog.  So watch for a "What I am Watching, What I am Reading, and What I am Listening To" blog later today.  Have some new music that I am kind of obsessed with.......

Til next week when I will have 4 young ladies (12 and under) here for a girls' weekend.  Have great plans for shopping, and getting our nails done, and sugar overload.  Check back!

Til then, Bailey and Curtis were entertaining me at Old Chicago last night and I apparently embarrassed her in front of our favorite server last night.  Sorry Bailey -- mom is come you don't know that by now?

Speaking of awkward....

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