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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Not so fun Sunday - feeling OLD today

As I sit here, working on learning the ins and outs of my computer.  I am learning a ton.  In spite of that I feel OLD today.

It could be because of the whole "losing an hour of sleep" thing.  Even when I get to "gain an hour" I always feel like I am catching up for two or three weeks after.  I know that we will enjoy the extended evening sunshine and that eventually it won't be dark in the morning; but it always wrecks my schedule and I have to adjust.

Or it could be because I have to have an "old people" test tomorrow.  That's what I call it even though I know many people my age and younger have had it done, it just feels like an "old people" test.  "What the heck are you having done Rhonda?" you might be saying.

Well, I am gearing up to start my prep for my colonoscopy tomorrow.  Yep, that's right.  It is true.  Gotta have that screening procedure that at some point we all must do.  I am really not old enough to have the regular screening but having some issues, so doc thought it was a great idea.  It isn't my first rodeo with the prep and the process, but none the less I still dread the day before and then the evening prep.  There has to be a better way with our modern technology for this to proceed.  I have been googling "making the prep easier" and there are really no better suggestions other than bear down (no pun intended) and get it done.

So many people don't want to have to deal with the prep so they don't get the procedure done when they are supposed to.  I don't understand that.  I hear the same thing about the mammogram screening.  It can be unpleasant but on a continuum versus breast cancer - I will take a FLAT BOOB any day.

The colonoscopy screening tool is the best way to detect colorectal cancer.  And once it is over it really isn't that bad.  As I tell many people, the drugs they give you during the procedure are my favorite.  I go to sleep, wake up a bit later and it is all over.  I have a BRILLIANT idea -- maybe they should have those drugs available for the prep?  No...wait....not a good idea......visions of unpleasant messes in my head now.  Sorry for that visual everyone.

But leaving for Downtown Des Moines tomorrow at the John Stoddard Cancer Center.  Wish me luck everyone and keep fingers crossed that all is well.  Maybe I will share my pictures on my Saturday morning blog - won't that be exciting?

Don't forget to get your own screenings done - a colonoscopy (if you are in the age bracket), a mammogram, and of course your annual pap smear as well.  Don't put it off.  Maybe I will just take a nap today.  Isn't that what old people do???

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