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Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm Back!

What?  I have always been here.......just didn't really have a quick quiet morning to watch the sun come up out my patio door and put fingers to keyboard.  But it's Saturday, the coffee is hot, and the sun is coming up over the horizon.

My brain is full this morning.  Like that spare closet that we put everything in that we don't know what to do with.  I need to purge.  Normally this space is a way for me to do that, but you can tell that I haven't been writing (purging) and now I have it all stored up.

So I will pick the thing that is at the top of the pile because that is all that I have time for today.  I have a house full of people that are all sleeping and I need to get breakfast in the oven before they all wake up.    We are headed in to Des Moines to check out some of those "touristy" things that I see every day but are pretty cool actually - touring our state capitol is going to be one of them.

My topic today that I want to purge is human behavior.  It has been in my brain a lot lately.  Human beings for me fall into two different categories - GOOD and EVIL.  But lately I think there are some generally GOOD people that do some very HATEFUL (not quite EVIL) things.  So instead of this category of people that is a either-or, I have determine that like most things this is a continuum with different levels of GOOD and EVIL.

I am so very intrigued by individuals that have behaviors and actions that seem contrary to their true character.  Back to that intuition thing that I have talked about in this forum before.  When you think you know some one and they then have a behavior that is contrary to their character - where does that come from?  Is that their true person?  Has something "driven" them to this behavior?  I can only comment on how I feel about that TODAY and I believe it is their true character and my feeling about that person has been incorrect.  If the excuse for said behavior is that they were "driven" - it is just that, an excuse.  True character is how you act when you think no one else is looking.  That is the only way to truly understand how a person feels about that other person.  And how we "intend" for some one to interpret our actions doesn't matter.  It is how they are received.  I work really hard to not judge a person based on their behavior, but it takes me longer and longer to get to that point the older I am.

The only thing I know out of this is that humans can be mean and ugly (and YES even EVIL) to other humans.  That doesn't make me feel better to write this, but it has helped me to move it around in my brain a little bit to make room for something else that I will likely write about in the future.  LUCKY YOU..........


  1. I love reading your ramblings and have missed them. I have to agree withnyou TODAY , but how will we feel tomorrow or even next week ? Time will tell my friend .

    1. Agree Dawn. Today I feel this way. And unfortunately, I have felt this way for a longer period of time than I want to. But tomorrow may be different.

    2. And you have taught me that not every thing is black and white........there are many Shades of Gray! And not that stupid book!

  2. OK - I've been thinking about this alot. At first I wondered if you thought a person's character could change. Then I realized you were already saying no to that. I think that good & evil resides in all of us at the same time. I think that the potential for both is dormant in each human and a choice is there to be made every day. Can a person be 'driven' to evil? Yes, I believe they can AND I think that actual 'driven' moment is very, very rare. All of the other times that is an excuse for the choice the individual made. I see your Shades of Gray comment and I think that's it. We are not usually faking being in the good crowd, we've just made choices that put us there. Until we don't. That's what I think today...

    1. I would challenge who defines "good crowd". But you knew that I would say that.

      I think that my rant started as my frustration with "human-ness". I agree that we all have good and evil - I disagree about "driven" to evil. It is ultimately a choice. Always a choice in everything -- every living day is a series of choices. Do I yell at my boss today when she pisses me off? or do I just keep moving through. Do I get in the car and drive away forever or do I continue to feel and move and (hopefully) grow through the pain? CHOICES. :)

      Glad I made BOTH Of you think. That's what you do for me every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY!
