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Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 3 - Dublin to Belfast

Day 3 – Sunday
Arrived in Dublin at 8:05 am Dublin time.  Been in the same clothes for 24 hours now.  The airport was pretty deserted, but it still took a little while to get our bags from the baggage carousel.  Yeah for being able to brush my teeth in the airport “toilet” – they don’t know the term bathroom.

We then boarded a bus to the Dublin train station awaiting a 1:00 pm train to Belfast.   It is kind of chilly and damp but the city is so beautiful.  Not beautiful modern, beautiful, old and bustling.  But old does not equal dirty.  It is a port town, but things seem to be kept up pretty well.

We ventured off to find some food once we found where we needed to go for our train.  The plane food was mediocre at best and that eight hour flight just made me very hungry, so we ventured out for Wade’s favorite breakfast with Ireland Sausage – honestly I didn’t like it the texture is too weird.    But otherwise quant space and fun environment.

Back to the train station to wait for our 1:00 pm train.

Bundled up at train station.......Chilly wind and cold metal seats
And this is the only Guinness I see since the pub didn't open until later on Sunday morning
 The train ride was very relaxing, so much so that I fell asleep many times missing the view of the countryside.

FINALLY!  We are at our hotel – The Park Inn - Radisson and what a gorgeous place. 

The wall behind the reception desk.  Neon lights with pictures of Ireland

The room (AND OMG BATHROOM) is gorgeous and I was never so happy to take an afternoon nap in my life.

So after a three-hour nap, we converged on the hotel restaurant for some fish and chips and Guinness.  YUMMO!  Best fish and chips I have ever had.

Our first pints of the trip!  FINALLY!

Tours booked for tomorrow and now a full night sleep……Hotel bed!  Don't even care that you are too firm for me......NEED SLEEP!

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