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Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's still dark outside! What??????

Up and at em at 5:00 am this morning *BEWARE TMI MOMENT* - my bladder woke me up first and usually I can just drift back off again after emptying (that should be a tattoo perhaps "drifts back off after emptying"), but not this morning......NOPE!  I tried.......tossing and turning for 45 minutes when I finally said "Screw this" and got up.  For the first time in a long time the dogs were like WHHAAAA is going on?  Why are we up so early?   Well POOCHES!  How does that feel?  HUH?

Any way, maybe it is because I am excited for my day.  One of my Out of Town Besties or (OTBs) is here with her beautiful daughter Emily and we are headed out later this morning to the Junk Jubilee Jingles.  Apparently in the repurpose and junking world it is "da bomb".  All I know is that the list of vendors from all over the country is AMAZEBALLS and I can't wait to descend when they open at 9:30.

She also stopped on the way here from NE Iowa and picked up something I have been looking for but found them to be so expensive - a stain glassed window thing to hang up in the empty space above the dividing wall between my living and dining room.  I have been in and out of junk and antique stores looking for one, but holy cats they are anywhere from $300 - $1500.  Now if they had all been in PERFECT shape, I maybe would have dropped that much, but they all needed some work so I waited. And I am glad I did.  She found a piece that is perfect for $45.

You can't tell that isn't glass can you?  Okay, maybe you can, but where it will be hanging unless you are 10 feet tall and can get really close, you can't tell.  It is made from a resin.

I need to figure out some way to hang it.  It doesn't have a frame and I am scared that if we tried to drill into it to put hooks that it will split the resin, so I thought I would check with Michael's about framing it.  Wouldn't hurt right?  So we venture there last night and $550.00  YEP.......$550.00 --- but wait, there is a sale going on 60% off until tomorrow so that takes it down to like $175ish.  I think I can think of a better plan.  (Your suggestions would be helpful blog-o-sphere) Gonna try to buy the stuff to frame it myself.  We have a miter saw, etc.  Just need to go for it.  I am going to do some research on my favorite website that is all crafts (and food and exercise and everything.....) PINTEREST and see if any one has ever tried to drill into resin and how it has worked.

Can't wait to get started this morning, but in light of the consumption of an entire bottle of strawberry vodka (Mississippi River Distilling Company's seasonal product) with lemonade last night, and a couple episodes of Long Island Medium, my OTB and her daughter may want to sleep late this morning.  Hurry up and wake up..........come on.........we don't have all day..............uh oh........ I think I may have had too much coffee already this morning.

Beware Junkers!  Here I come!

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